April 16 , 2024

Meet Shannon: UKPT's Social Media Queen running the MK Half Marathon for Marine Life

Shannon is joining the MK Marathon Club!


UKPT's Social Media Queen (and Multimedia Designer) will be running the Half Marathon in Milton Keynes this May Day Bank Holiday for a cause that matters: British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR).


What is BDMLR?


This is the only charity in the UK totally dedicated to helping marine life, providing fast assistance around the UK coast (x). They're a small charity, but they have a big heart. That's something they have in common with Shannon, who at 5 ft 3 has a lot of love for seals, her favourite animal.


This will be Shannon’s first-ever marathon – so go easy on her! She's going to do the best she can, and the proof is in her training.

How do we know? We sat down with Shannon on 12th April 2024 to talk all about her progress, as well as her goals and expectations for the race.

On her pre-race emotions

'My colleagues at UK Planet Tools have been amazing with their support'.

For Shannon, deciding to race the Half Marathon was a bit of a spur-of-the-moment decision. Apprehensive that she could train in time as a rookie runner, it was her colleagues that eventually convinced her to do it.

'I'm pumped but a bit scared, to be honest', she admits. 'There've been times [in training] I've felt like giving up'. However, she says, 'My colleagues at UK Planet Tools have been amazing with their support and encouragement'.

And that's given her the pick-me-up she's needed: 'So now, I'm determined to push through, not just for myself, but also for them – and, of course, for BDMLR, the charity I'm raising funds for'. We know you have it in you, Shannon.

On what inspired her to sign up

'I just wanted to shake things up and try something totally new!'

Always one to try new things, participating in the Milton Keynes Marathon is – to everyone who knows her – something not too unexpected.

'I just wanted to shake things up and try something totally new!' she explains. 'I've never really been the athletic type, but I figured, why not give it a shot this year? Time for a change, you know?' 

Her desire for personal growth is infectious. A Vietnamese native going it alone in a country over 6000 miles away from what she knows, Shannon has never really known a comfort zone. It's just not her style. So after five years in the place she now calls home, it's no surprise she's ready for a challenge.

On choosing to run for BDMLR

'I've always had a thing for seals and the ocean'.

As for her choice of charity, a particular sea animal would seal the deal... along with her passion for travel.

'I've always had this thing for seals and the ocean,' she says. 'I mean, I even have this cute seal plush I picked up on a trip to Whitley Bay, a charming seaside spot in Tyne and Wear'.

But it wasn't a picturesque northern beach where she would discover BDMLR and its mission, but on social media.

As a charity shop bargain hunter and antique collector, their page simply appeared on her 'Recommended' one day on Instagram. 'When I found out about BDMLR and how they're all about helping marine life, especially seals, whales, and dolphins, I was sold'.

And once something has piqued Shannon's interest, she doesn't just take a quick look. She does her homework. 'BDMLR's roots go back to 1988, when a bunch of divers joined forces to tackle a crisis with common seals in East Anglia', she says. 'So when I decided to take part in MK Half Marathon 2024, fundraising for BDMLR was what immediately came to my mind'.

On her training regimen

'I'm giving it my all'.

With her impetus clear, it all comes down to training. Hard.

Thankfully, Shannon has had a helping hand with that. Another UK Planet Tools Designer, Graham, is also training for the race – his second full marathon (x). With his advice and experience, Shannon has been able to pick up a regimen that works for her.

'I've been training solo', she says, 'mainly with the Nike Run Club app, which [Graham] put me onto'. She goes on to give it a solid review, calling it a 'game changer'.

'Before that, I was clueless and just using the default Health app on my iPhone', she explains. 'The NRC app lays out a solid training plan and even throws in optional audio guides for each run, which makes getting started way a bit easier'.

A handy application like that really couldn't come at a better time for Shannon, with just over three weeks to go until she puts her training to the test. 'It's definitely been a shift for me since I wasn't really into heavy exercise before', she says. 'But I'm giving it my all to stay on track and keep healthy'. Determination is key.

On overcoming her biggest challenge

'I'm focusing on feeling good about the race instead of dreading it'.

Besides training, the one thing Shannon is admittedly worried about is her 'own mindset'. She says, her biggest challenge will be 'battling those doubts about whether I can push past my own physical limits'.

She says, 'Training for a marathon demands lots of discipline, endurance, and knowing how to pace yourself during the actual race. I was pretty unsure if I could handle all that'.

Shannon isn't going to let her trepidation get in the way of achieving her goals, though. She's too optimistic for that. 'I've been all about positive vibes', she says. 'I'm focusing on feeling good about the race instead of dreading it'.

That's a mindset she hopes will get her in the right headspace for the day. She explains that for her, that means committing to a training plan she can 'actually enjoy'.

'Getting out the door and running at an easy and steady effort, with a good frequency and consistency, and breaking my training down into smaller chunks' is what she shares does the trick. As well as 'eating right', noting that a balanced diet 'doesn't just keep my gut happy, it boosts my mood too'. 

Overall, it seems even if Shannon is a bit behind on the physical training, no one can say she's not mentally prepared. Like a ray of sunshine, she simply shines too bright to let the darkness in.

On her goals and expectations

'My main goal is to show up on time and cross that finish line at a pace that feels right for me'.

Finally, Shannon opens up about her goals for the race. 'My main goal is to show up on time and cross that finish line at a pace that feels right for me', she says.

Continuing, she refers back to the importance of keeping a positive mindset in the face of adversity:  'Like I mentioned earlier, I'm all about feeling positive vibes for this race, not stressing over it'.

Then – while we're pretty hard to shock when it comes to Shannon and her ambitious nature – we're slightly taken aback by an admission. 'If everything goes smoothly', she says, 'I might even consider signing up for another run down the line!' Good on you, girl. You're braver than most.

And her plans to celebrate after the race? 'Do a seal dance'. How very on theme.

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